Thursday, September 11, 2008

Weight Issues

Hudson has had allergies/cold this week and has had a hard time sleeping. Being an exhausted mom I decided to take him to see his pediatrician to make sure it wasn't an ear infection. His ears checked out well, but his weight is am issue. He will be 24 months next month and only weighed 20 lbs 2 oz, fully dressed with shoes and a wet diaper. He has lost almost a pound in the last 5 months. The doctor put him on an anthistimine(?SP) that also increases the appetite and also gave us a consult to see the pedi GI doctor. The GI Doc will check to make sure is intestines are absorbing nutrients properly. Most likely he is just a scrawny 2 year old, but we want to help him chub up!! Please keep Hudson in your prayers! As for Jackson, he is a chunk, he weighed 24 lbs on my sclae and loves all snacks! He now has a runny nose also. Baby Grayson has given me a few contractions today, so I am off to rest.


Annie said...

Hi Sarah. One of my twin girls have the same issue. Sometimes she eats well but others she don't. I have to be very patient with her and at the end she starts eating.

Your boys were born the day before my girls.


johnna said...

If you'll pay for the surgery, I'm willing to have liposuction and donate about 20 lbs. to Hudson. lol ;)